Dove and dragon Radio with host M.l.Ruscsak and guest Margaret Oconner

2 years ago
If access to Eucharist, was not available to you, would the foundation of your own faith life be shaken? The book, Journey of a Celiac's Soul: A second chance at Life, is meant to act as a vehicle for encompassing the present changing realities within the Catholic Church. From the Priest Shortage, the new Communion Service, whether Priests should be allowed to Marry, or allowing for Women's Ordination, all comprise the new reality of your faith life. The passengers on this vehicle include Catholics world-wide as well as individuals of all faiths. The particular travel route covers a personal exploration of the history and enlightening tradition of this sacrament.This hands-on book, is your ticket to embark on your own journey of your soul, in addition hiding in plain sight are solutions to the Priest Shortage and visages of women's past roles within our Church history.
With the current hemorrhaging shortage of Catholic Priests, who is going to be around to consecrate the hosts for Communion? How are you, or any other Catholic, going to enrich their own faith lives without being able to actively participate in this beautiful sacrament? That scenario is becoming a closer reality for any Catholic today . With the current shortage of Priests, should Rome, utilize threads of its own past tradition to solve this Priest shortage issue at hand? Should the Church, as well, finally acknowledge their own Church's early history of Women Bishops, Deacons, and Priests, to begin to help fill this urgent need? Does the tradition of Celibate Priests under Canon Law, need to be changed to allow Priests to Marry? Did Jesus, really intend for His sacrament of love, to become a sacrament of division, in terms of access to it?

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