Event 201 (October 2019): Pandemic Exercise "highlights"

2 years ago

Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.

Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.
If this was a planning exercise, it didn't do much good...the covid response has been at best a disaster and at worst a crime against humanity...either way, THESE PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED AGAIN! And several should go to prison and/or be executed, after a fair trial.

#event201 #greatreset #buildbackbetter #worldeconomicforum #WEF #plandemic #shamdemic #scamdemic #trojanhorse #mrnavaccines #covid1984 #covid19 #crimesagainsthumanity #crimeofthecentury #nurembergtrialsforcovid #johnhopkins #UN #billgates #buildbackbettercult

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