2 Epic Beards and 2 Epic Bourbons – Pit Stop 53

3 years ago

Follow Dave Yancey and his Leaf n Grain Society at https://www.facebook.com/groups/281761787040344
and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/greybeard_leaf_n_grain/

To get Dave's flavor wheel, visit texascigarroadshow.com and click "PDF Downloads"

Visit cigarscore.com/LSCAHERF and join us in Dallas!

Hi, I'm David with Texas Cigar Roadshow.

This episode is brought to you by the Lone Star Cigar Association: a club where B/SOTL get together once a month to have drinks, food, talk and of course cigars. We meet in Tobacco Cabana in Cedar Hill or 3Rs Cigars in Duncanville. To find out more about the group or to join, send an email to David at lonestarcigarassociation@gmail.com.

On this episode, we are shooting inside Tobacco Cabana: voted the 2020 #1 Cigar Lounge on CigarScore.com. They are located at 267 Hickerson St., Cedar Hill, TX 75104 \ 469-272-5999. If you'd like to know more about Tobacco Cabana you can check out their website here https://tobaccocabana.com/ You can also follow them on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/tobaccocabana/

You can follow Tobacco Cabana on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/TobaccoCabana

Follow Texas Cigar Roadshow on: https://www.instagram.com/texascigarroadshow

This show is a part of the Texas Cigar Roadshow: Voted the 2020 #1 Cigar Show on CigarScore.com, what we like to call a Pit Stop. When on the road you eventually need to take a pit stop where you can refuel and catch your breath. In a Texas Cigar Roadshow Pit Stop, Ian and I will have a cigar, a drink, or drinks, and talk about different cigar accessories, topics or individuals in the cigar industry, and how all that will add to your cigar culture and experience.

In this episode, Dave Yancey visits us again with some more bourbon pairings. He brought Weller Antique 107, Larceny, and a Knob Creek Rye. He also introduced his new tasting wheel that will go with any drink and cigar you decide to pair.

I am smoking a Buffalo Ten Connecticut and Dave has a Tobacco Cabana House Criollo '99. I think my cigar was mild enough to let me still taste the bourbons without influencing them too much.

For our 'Texas Toast' with you the viewers, we raised our Leaf and Grain glasses with some Weller Antique 107 Wheated Bourbon.

Thank you for watching another episode of the Texas Cigar Roadshow Pit Stop and as always, Enjoy the leaf. Grow the culture.

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