How to WOW Others

2 years ago

Do you know someone that is truly a self-starter?

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Hello, I'm Clarence, I'm the preacher. Self-starters live life at a whole different level. They experience things others only dream about. The good news is that anyone can live at they level if they choose. It's a choice, and we are going to look into that choice, starting right now.

Think about Bible heroes. Scan through the bible and look for the person that motivated the heroes to take a stand. Look at David, look for the person that encourages him to go fight goliath. Who really stood in his corner? There is no one there. David took his own initiative. He did not wait for someone to nudge him forward. He stepped up of his own initiative and embraced the challenge before him will his older brother was trying to shut him down.

Self-Leaders like David don't sit around waiting for someone carry them into the future. They plan their future and then they get up and go. They deliberately place their footsteps in the footprints of successful people that have gone on before them. Our interest, of course, is following Jesus.

Christians that excel do so because they choose to follow Jesus. It is their desire and passion. It is not a "have to" but rather a "get to," and as everyone knows, it is the "get to" of life that makes for the most enjoyable life.

David followed God into battle with Goliath because David wanted to. David put in the work, the training. He had been preparing for this day long before it arrived. David too the bull by the horns and moved forward into an uncertain future. He stepped out of the comfort and ease of watching the sheep, and out onto the national stage, left his old life behind, and took on a new role with new responsibilities and dangers.

Talk about thinking outside of the box. David made choices that took him out of the meadow with the sheep, and put him on the battlefield, and in the eye of the nation. David would soon discover that he traded one set of problems for another set of problems. That's just the way life works. But David could have never enjoyed the level of success and adventure he experienced, if he had stayed with the sheep in the meadow.

We see initiative in Joshua, years earlier, when he says, "choose you this day, who you will serve." Ultimately, we all pretty much get the life we choose. I'm not suggesting that we are in complete control of our lives, that would be absurd. But most people choose to stay in the meadow with the sheep. Most people do not choose to step out onto the battlefield and expose themselves to various dangers, criticisms, and insults. But self-starters, like bible heroes, pick a star and navigate toward it. They may not make it, not everyone does, but they refuse to live life on the sidelines, they refuse just to drift through life. The don't sit around waiting to be rescued. They go looking the life they long to live. They refuse to live in the little box other people design for them.


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