Booktube Infantalisation - (Content of video may be inaccurate, see description)

3 years ago

EDIT: Turns out Abby didn't ban me, or at least she at least claims she didn't so this video is remaining for continuities sake, but should be taken as potentially inaccurate. I have since made a follow up video here - - explaining new info as it came to light. This doesn't however invalidate the points I make on infantalisation in this community.


This video details my experience trying to take part in the Olympics or Olympian Readathon and accidentally screwing up the whole competition element before getting banned because their overzealous moderator ban you for almost anything.

Hardly a serious video, more just me laughing at childish infantalised snowflakes who can't handle conversations in their safe spaces, and the participation trophy competition they're now running.

If you want to join a discord that WON'T ban you for making a Futurama quote or for disagreeing with a moderator, please use this invite link and join us below. We're always happy to have new members, unlike some -

Please Note: This is mockery, because the people in it deserve to be mocked for acting silly; but it's nothing more than that. I'm not angry, I'm not fuming. I'm not waging some silly YouTuber war. I really enjoy Library Of Allenxandria, it's a great channel. He seems like a decent guy. I did enjoy Abby Salter's videos though now less so, now that I know she's a censor-happy authoritarian who can't handle people disagreeing with her. The point is, they would both be welcome to join my discord and chat in these comments; and I expect people to realise this.

I don't hate anyone here. I think they're being childish and I'm pointing that out. That's not hate, if you think it is, get some perspective. I won't even really care about this by the time this video is uploaded; so let's not make a big deal over it OK.

#booktube #readathon #drama

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