World Net Daily hates protestants

2 years ago

Made July 2, 2013

I like to comment on mainstream and alternative news medias. I know my comment may only get seen by one or two people. But I figure if I post comments on these sites, i may wake at least one person up a day. Or at least get one person to think about something they may never have contemplated.

Well, today, WND has decided to start censoring me, even though what I claim can all be backed up with facts. Even a quick glance at the world, and you can see the things I say have some merit.

I made this video to at least voice some of my frustrations. And anger, because these kind of tactics make me very angry.

They outnumber me. They have more money. They control all the media. They control the government.

Yet i can't even speak?

Talk about "fair play."

Protestants never did this to catholics. Yet they think it is perfectly fair to control our speech.

It was our blood that was spilled to create this country. Our hardwork. Our lives. Yet we still shared our country and its freedoms with you. And this is how we are payed back?

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