Dr Stella Immanuel warns about the covid vaccine: A LUCIFERIAN agenda targeting humanity

2 years ago

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Dr. Stella Immanuel says doctors were told not to treat COVID-19 patients

Interviewed by Mike Adams, Dr. Stella Immanuel said one of the lessons she learned during these times is that doctors should start working more on keeping people healthy. She said physicians like her are spending more time treating diseases and that should change.

Immanuel talked about the attacks she experienced when she promoted hydroxychloroquine as a treatment to COVID-19 patients after seeing it work on her own patients. She said it’s the first time in her time as a medical practitioner that she’d seen doctors being told not to treat patients. Doctors know how to treat all the symptoms and illnesses associated with and caused by COVID-19, Immanuel said, but they’ve been told to do nothing. According to her, doctors were forced to follow for fears of getting fired and losing their license.

Adams said that the people behind it were basically running a terrorism campaign against doctors, adding that it was coordinated with Big Tech to silence those who were saying good things about potential treatment to COVID-19.

Immanuel told Adams that there was really no pandemic. She pointed out that the death rate in the past year is similar to the death rates of the past several years. Doctors were told and hospitals were bribed to make COVID-19 as the cause of death of patients, she said.

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