Wallabies jumping in front of the car. Mum and small Joey jump back and forth and a third jumps out

3 years ago

Wallaby mum and small Joey jump in front of car. I stop and film waiting for them to decide where they’ll go. In the meantime another wallaby jumps in front of the car.
It pays to drive slowly and cautiously down our road. A wallaby jumped in front of the car the other night and I barely missed it. I was driving very slowly as it was.
They will run from across from the right (of my car) to find safety on the left, even if it means coming dangerously close to being hit. It's an interesting survival technique to observe, as in their pursuit to safety they bring themselves closer to the source of danger / predator. Poor things. Too many of our native animals end up killed by cars.

#wallaby #joey #kangaroo #wallabies

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