Rik's Mind Podcast Ep82 What is a Killah Priest?

2 years ago

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Today we are joined by the man, the myth, the legend Killah Priest. Brooklyn rapper Killah Priest has spent his lengthy, respected career making intensely spiritual music that connects Gnostic religious philosophy with the contemporary Black struggle. He made his first appearances on several Wu-Tang Clan side and solo projects, including albums by Gravediggaz, Ol' Dirty Bastard, and Genius/GZA, leading to the signing of his group Sunz of Man and the release of his acclaimed debut album, 1998's Heavy Mental. After leaving the major-label system, he went independent with 2001's Priesthood, and became an integral member of supergroups the HRSMN (aka the Four Horsemen) and Black Market Militia. He's continued releasing ambitious, metaphor-heavy solo albums such as 2007's The Offering and 2013's The Psychic World of Walter Reed, and produced some of the most experimental, spiritually advanced work of his career with later works such as 2020's Rocket to Nebula.

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