Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Zombies Call of the Dead Opening Cutscene

2 years ago

"A shipwrecked crew of fearless explorers is hopelessly stranded in an abandoned Siberian outpost. Their dream of discovering the true origins of Element 115 unravels into a hellish nightmare."

Call of the Dead is the ninth Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies map. Treyarch called it "a unique Zombies experience" and is "a very special creation for all Zombie fans". The level is the first to feature actual celebrities fighting off zombies and features George A. Romero as one of the zombies. Call of the Dead occurs in an abandoned Group 935 Siberian outpost, which features a shipwrecked freighter, a vibrant lighthouse, and a sparse coast.

Deadshot Daiquiri is a perk introduced in Call of the Dead and later featured in Shangri-La, Moon, Mob of the Dead, Origins, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi and Revelations. The perk's icon consists of a black background color with the foreground being a head in front of a set of cross-hairs. The perk works in three different ways: it makes the cross-hairs smaller identically as Steady Aim, making sniper rifles have no idle sway and it works as an improved aim assist; when the player would aim down the sights while looking near the zombie, it would lock to the head of the zombie, instead of the chest. In PC, it only increases hip-fire accuracy similar to Steady Aim.

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