Dream & Message From God To Rapture Brides-Jewish Israeli and Gentile Daughters of the King 144 726

3 years ago

On May 14 I was praising the Lord and saw two car tags that both pointed to Israel's birthday and the rapture/harpazo (726 in Greek). RYB 7326 (Rapture Your Brides 73 726) and CDZ 7316 (Christ Delivers the Zealous 73 316 like Colossians 3:16-17). The rapture dream that I mentioned in the last video, I discuss further with Keren .W channel who is a Jewish, Israeli, born again follower of Jesus. This morning, May 17 at 3:36 the Lord gave me a message for the Daughters of God:

Daughters of God, I have a message for you. Be not discouraged because your places are prepared and the day for My Son's arrival draws near. Always be full of hope and eager anticipation as you see the day approaching. Listen carefully to My instructions in The Book and purify your hearts.
Very few have found the truth that sets them free. They hear different voices that are from the devil or themselves that distracts and deceives and produces dead works. I want you to work hard showing the results of your salvation that you love Me and want to abide with Me. How much I love My people, so much I gave My only Son, Jesus, the only way to heaven. Today is the day of salvation for anyone who hears My voice, repents by confessing and forsaking your sins and trusts in Me. Trust and obey Me daily.

I AM your Redeemer, Lord, King and Master. I AM the Potter who made you a vessel for My Holy Spirit. Walk in holiness and righteousness, grace, love and peace. Don't be like the hypocrites who call me, "Lord, Lord," and don't do what I say. They don't know what I say because they take their Bibles for granted and listen to false teachings and heresies of men. Everything is being exposed as lawlessness grows rampant worldwide.

Cling tightly to Me, daughters. Do not fear because I AM your Protector. Praise Me in this crooked and evil generation and worship Me with holy fire, gratitude and pure devotion. My plans will come to fruition, no doubt about it, and I will not delay. I hear the prayers of the righteous, and I love My bride, the holy ones without spot or wrinkle, who have prepared and hidden My words in their hearts. Rejoice in your salvation and Blessed Hope. The day of your redemption, My glory and victory for My church, the rapture/harpazo is any day. Do not think I delay. I will not ignore the cries of the faithful who long for My appearing and bless My holy name.

I AM the great I AM. My Holy Spirit has given you the power of God, the strength to endure afflictions and persecutions and the wisdom and discernment to know the doctrines of demons and the excuses of men. Be holy as I am holy. Without holiness you will not be going in the rapture. Repent and turn your hearts into completely surrendered, tender and teachable, conformed into loving obedience and reflections of My Son, Jesus.

Let the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be acceptable in My sight. There is a judgment day coming to every single one even in the rapture, so call upon the Lord Jesus to be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation. Be zealous, draw close to Me, and I will draw close to you. Do not fret or worry. My justice will shine as bright as the noonday. My rescue is righteous. Vengeance is mine, and you will be vindicated. Men and women have prophesied that the time to repent is now. I do nothing without first telling My servants the prophets. I give grace and mercy to the humble, but most have hardened their hearts and are prideful, idolatrous and sexually immoral.
There will be a day of reckoning, and I will not be mocked. I will judge according to My laws, the Royal Law, the Law of Marriage of one man to one woman until death do you part, and the Law of Christ. Woe to the hypocrites! Woe to the antinomians who think that there is no law to obey. My law shows you how much you need the blood of My Son, Jesus, who never sinned, to cover you and cleanse you of your unrighteousness and sinful nature.

Hear My voice and follow. I AM the Word. I AM the Lamb of God, Son of God, your Master and King. The Lord Jesus is coming, so stay watching and ready and pray always as you finish the race. I AM sovereign. I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Be encouraged! The puzzle pieces are all falling into place, and My plans for you will soon be revealed. Rejoice! I AM with you always.

111 means FEAR OF THE LORD, and Joshua 1:11, Acts 1:11 and Ephesians 1:11 to me. 144 means JESUS IS LORD.

The time of the three knocks was 3:58 a.m. on May 16. We got a "beep beep" when Keren read Psalm 35:8.

John 14:1-4, 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, Revelation 3:10-11, 4:1
Covered with Keren: John 3:36, Psalm 34-35, James 5, Acts 8, Proverbs 1, Matthew 5-7, Matthew 22-23, Acts 2, Acts 4:12, Acts 23, 1 Corinthians 7...
Pray for each other and love the Lord. Maranatha.

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