05/18/21 Tue: Abort Roe! Tom Cotton? Nutty Maddow; Lt. Col. Lohmeier

3 years ago

0:00 Tue, May 18, 2021
2:18 I Can't Stand Another Minute Here
5:44 Hey, guys!
10:02 Romans 8
16:49 Abortion
26:45 Joshua in Wisconsin
36:25 Tom Cotton: AP, Hamas
42:48 Lab theory not debunked
46:17 Samuel in TN
54:49 Smears on the South
56:00 Super Chats
58:29 Charleston by Vroom
1:01:32 Music comments
1:04:16 Judge Carleton Reeves
1:05:29 Zach, Columbus, OH
1:12:55 Lucas, Hollywood, CA
1:19:48 Maddow, Biden
1:28:59 Tony in NYC
1:40:22 More Super Chats
1:41:52 CRT in DOD
1:47:28 Bobby in TX
1:51:19 Freddy in NM
1:59:49 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Tuesday, May 18, 2021: Romans 8: The Spirit's in children of God; Silent Prayer; Christ is Brother and Lord. The Supreme Court will hear reproductive rights restrictions in October. GREAT CALLS! Israel-Palestine mess: Tom Cotton asks if AP willingly colluded with Hamas. BTW: Virus lab origin theory not debunked! Rachel Maddow, Joe Biden talk about not judging vaccinated mask-wearers, and prejudice against non-mask-wearers. Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier vs Communized military!

(Callers talk about activism, Andrew Brown Jr [Blah-blah Blah], and whether the South were traitors!) (Music: Vroom: I Can't Stand Another Minute Here; Charleston)

Also check out Hake News from today.

Joshua in WI asks about the GOP future and if James supports Trump or DeSantis 2024.
Samuel in TN talks against America's involvement in WWI and WWII.
Zach in Columbus, OH debunks the Andrew Brown Jr. controversy. Headed to the military!
Lucas in Hollywood, CA asks James's opinion on his activism with his woman.
Tony in NYC says gov't isn't trying to control us, it's common sense for our own good.
Bobby in TX regrets not joining the military. There's no tolerance for common sense.
Freddy in NM believes the Confederates were traitors, but our brothers today.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/5/18/051821-tue-abort-roe-tom-cotton-nutty-maddow-lt-col-lohmeier

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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