2 years ago

Band: various
Title: Copro​-​Pilation: Shit 'n' Noise
Released: March 28, 2019
Location: n/a
Formed in: n/a


1. Stercoraceous Copremesis Rhinorrhea - 1 [0:00]
2. Stercoraceous Copremesis Rhinorrhea - 2 [0:35]
3. Stercoraceous Copremesis Rhinorrhea - 3 [1:14]
4. K9 Hemorrhoids - Trax 2 [1:56]
5. Copropedofilo - Hentai en el Ciber [3:16]
6. Copropedofilo - Entre tu Axila y tu Chichi [4:51]
7. Crack Addicts Babies - Fuck I Got Cholera From Making Scat Porn [6:36]
8. Crack Addicts Babies - Shit On A Brick I Got Beat Up By A Diahrretic Beaver [6:59]
9. Urine Tumor - Allez hop, 10 chansons dans ta gueule, mais genre d'un seul coup t'as vu [7:53]
10. Urine Tumor - The real name of God is 8.6 [8:34]
11. Urine Tumor - Une bonne galoche au beau milieu d'une décharge publique c'est ça que j'appelle le romantisme [8:56]
12. Ulcerocopronecrobiovulpectomy - Caldodiarrehicopulativopeddorreico [9:37]
13. Ulcerocopronecrobiovulpectomy - Pedosenlasrodillasdeunmuerto [10:46]
14. Señor del Estiercol - Pozo de Mierda [11:23]
15. Señor del Estiercol - Señor del Estiercol [11:54]
16. Enema Jizz - Enema Noise [12:29]
17. Enema Jizz - La Wea Noise [13:28]

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