Happy Mothers Day 2022 From the Moms in Our Herd

2 years ago

Happy Mothers Day to ALL the Mommas out there from Junior Mif, Edith the Donkey, and Straw*. There is no more important job on earth that BEing a Mom. Thank you Moms. We love you.

Please subscribe for more videos of our small yet special Herd.
Follow us on Instagram @nj_virtualherd

Music: Walk
Musician: @iksonmusic



This Herd of seasoned professional Service Animals (horses and donkeys) were effectively unemployed by the pandemic NJ Covid19 lock-down for 15 months.
We lost everything that had been built for 11 years. We are slowly finding some ground to stand on. WANT TO HELP?

1. Hire a Herdmember directly at NJ Virtual Herd. https://www.njvirtualherd.com for virtual meeting breaks, happy hours, event cameos, guided tours, interactive field trips and more. They each provide a viable service for corporate team calls where a healthy "mental break" is good for the team, or simply just awesome water cooler talk that leads to laughing and moral boosting. Trust us, they are really curious, creative, and industrious beings - who out of work for months now have a lot bottled up and want to share! Check out what our 4-legged colleagues have to offer your company or team today - the guarantee is that it will not be boring.

2. Donate Funds to Help Pay Rent and Buy Feed (hay y'all horses really do eat like horses...) While we are slowly going back to work, winter is upon us and nothing is back to normal. Please donate $5 for hay and supplies at "The Herd Support" Gofundme: https://gofund.me/65699f5f

3:. Volunteer! If you are local to Central New Jersey we are working to rebuild our volunteer base (and everything else). As SRoLife is a volunteer run organization, there is room for physical farm work, administrative and management assistance, and specialized skilled volunteers (carpenter, plumber, etc). If interested or talented contact us.
Spring Reins of Life 501c3: https://www.springreinsoflife.org
Spring Reins of Hope llc: https://www.springreinsofhope.com
NJ Virtual Herd: https://www.njvirtualherd.com
Follow the HERD on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Rumble (@njvirtualherd)

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