2022 MAY 08 The Proof About UAP Preferences NO UAP is NOT PREFERENCING LIBS or LAB or GREENS

2 years ago

Craig Kelly shows us exactly what the UAP is doing, and it is very clear the Party is NOT PREFERENCING LIBS or LAB or GREENS

The claims of the Aussie Cossacks “Breaking News” is in fact misinformation whatever his source is the Cossack is being feed untruths and sadly repeating it; in turn providing very poor advice to his viewers.

» COSSACK CROW TIME: It would not hurt the aussies Cossack to pubically retract and apologise to his audience with no reservations that the Cossack just got it wrong

ORIGINAL SOURCE UAP: https://t.me/craigkelly/2079

ORIGINAL SOURCE UAP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z20FhAjY4hI

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