虹織りアートを創作中/Creation Process (Video: Shion Zion)

2 years ago


◆動画撮影・編集:Shion Zion

◆モデル:Yoko Kawabata Edwards

◆虹織りアート衣装:Yoko Kawabata Edwards













◆[製作風景&お客さま感想] https://yokokawabata.com/



🇦🇺Showing how I create Rainbow Weaving Art with a floor loom.

◆Videography & Edit:Shion Zion

◆Model:Yoko Kawabata Edwards

◆Rainbow Weaving Art Clothes:Yoko Kawabata Edwards

🌈【SHOP ONLINE】https://yokokawabata1111.square.site

🌈【About Rainbow Weaving Art】

Hi, my name is YOKO (Rainbow Weaving Artist). I'm an award-winning textile artist who create rainbow coloured handwoven wearable art. As I use my intuition to create my designs, all of my works are one-of-a-kind art products.

Traditionally, rainbow coloured amulets have been used in Japan for many years to protect against misfortune, and I use this idea with a modern twist. I use chakra colours (rainbow colours) on my handwoven warp yarns.

Rainbow Weaving Art pieces made by me are handwoven with natural fibres — it is much more comfortable to wear with less static electricity or itchiness!

The process of creating an original custom-order pieces start from 'Consultation on colours', and then, 'Consultation on size & materials'.


◆[REVIEWS & CREATION PROCESS] https://yokokawabata.com/
◆ If you have any questions email me at: yokodance@gmail.com

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