Hailey Springer speaks about her Project and the Enviroment

3 years ago

Hailey is a PADI certified scuba diver, with a passion for the ocean, its conservation, and exploration. Through scuba diving she has been introduced to many people who specialize in different diving niches, including research, rescue, and her favorite - photography. The purpose of her research is to determine which elements of marine conservation photography in New England best persuade residents to take action both physically and financially, and what role gender, age, location, and education level play into that conclusion.

Below is the survey that will provide the bulk of data for her research, and will help her make suggestions as to how organizations surrounding the well-being of the ocean should frame their outreach, which directly benefits ocean conservation. She is looking for residents from New England, age 18 and above, to fill out her survey with honesty, and not only help her, but also our oceans. As a thank you, sustainable brands such as 4ocean, Waterlust, Sand Cloud, and more have kindly donated products and gift cards that will be raffled off to a lucky few participants who complete the survey.

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