Worst Vacation Ever | Virus, Bed Bugs, Construction, Arthritis,Creeps,OH MY!

2 years ago

Welcome! We are so glad that you found our channel! In today's video we share what happened when we went away on what was supposed to be a beautiful end of the year family vacation! The first night upon arriving at our gorgeous beachfront condo, we discovered that the entire building was undergoing massive construction. After trudging all of our belongings over piles of broken tiles we settled into our condo. The first morning we awoke to the sounds of jackhammers and every other type of electrical machinery know to man! We were trapped inside our room! By lunchtime, we had packed up all of our belongings and vacated the condo in hopes that the Property Management Company "Turn Key" would be able to find us somewhere else to stay. We spent the entire first day between the park and walmart...just waiting. By that evening, we were unpacking and moving into another condo. The pictures looked fine online, but upon arriving, it was very obvious that the condo was dirty and extremely neglected and in major need of repairs. We weren't given any other options, so we moved in and decided to make the best of it. By the next morning, I was very sick with a stomach virus that lasted most of the day. We managed to take the kids down to the beach and the little ones did get to play at the playground and swim in the pool. By the next morning, two of the little ones had come down with the same stomach virus! During the first two day, Senior Tejas was dealing with a severe arthritis attack more severe than he has had in many months. Most of day 3 was spent caring for sick little ones. But praise the Lord, the older boys enjoyed some time doing all of the beach activities! By the morning of day 4, it was apparent that there were BEDBUGS in our condo! I has no less than 12 BITES! Senior Tejas was now sick with a virus that included a fever and chills. I was able to take the little ones to the beach and the playground and pool again that afternoon, but being alone on the beach presented its own challenge. I was approached by a SUPER CREEP that had some really bad intentions in mind! I quickly asked another man on the beach to keep an eye on me while I tried to get me and the little ones safely off of the beach! The man wanted to stay "out of the situation" and "UNINVOLVED" as he said. By the safety of the Lord, I was able to get my little ones and me off the beach and back to the condo. I was a little shaken for the rest of the evening, just thinking what could have happened. By this point, we had spent countless hours on the phone with Turn Key expressing our concerns about the condo and pleading with them to move us or at least compensate us the difference. Turn Key was absolutely the WORST to deal with and did nothing but waist our time. By the evening of the 4th day, TURN KEY told us that we had to vacate the property because of the BEDBUGS and that they could NOT help us find another place to stay and they still had no new information on the reimbursement of the money that we paid for the first condo. We again packed all of our belongings...but this time there was a significant TWIST...BEDBUGS! We had to treat all of our belongings right down to the clothes that we were wearing! We got out of the condo and got checked into a nearby hotel by 10pm that evening. The next morning, our beach "vacation" was over and we were back heading home. PRAISE THE LORD!
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
2 Thessalonians 3:3


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