Overlanding through the MOST TOXIC Town in the US.. (Big Iron overland rally 2022)

3 years ago

In this video, we head to the Big Iron Overland Rally (put on by the MOORE expo) in West Mineral, Kansas! We explore the Big Brutus museum featuring the largest electric coal shovel-- Big Brutus a 160 foot tall giant! We show you inside Big Brutus, explain its history, then head out on the Miner's Route to explore the surrounding area. This route leads us through the incredible Mined Land Wildlife Area and to Picher, Oklahoma--the most toxic town in the US. This town was evacuated in 2009 due to the toxic waste mounded up around the down after decades of mining. The ghost town still stands surrounded by the toxic dust. We also show you some campfire cooking from our overlanding truck build! We can't wait until Big Iron 2022!

#mooreexpo #bigironoverlandrally #overlandingbigiron #bigbrutus #overlandkansas #ozarkoverlanding #toxictown #abandonedtown #ghosttown #picherok #overlandtruckbuild #overlandevent #overlanding #picheroklahomaghosttown #picheroklahomatornado #minersroute

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Video Contents:
00:00 Video Introduction
01:12 Video Focus
02:04 Arriving at Big Brutus
02:52 Cooking Breakfast
04:14 Exploring Big Brutus
10:52 Vendors
11:21 Miner's Route
13:54 Cooking Dinner
14:46 Auction and Evening
15:24 Morning and Packing Up
16:05 Route to Picher -- The Most Toxic Town in the US
18:47 Arriving in Picher

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My Medic: https://amzn.to/3cyeRxT
FIRE DISC: https://www.firedisccookers.com
Helux Refrigerator: https://www.heluxindustries.com/​ USE CODE: OFFRECON
Diesel Heater: https://amzn.to/2Th48Ro
Roam Roof Top Tent: https://spiritof1876.com/?rfsn=523648......
RotoPax Can: https://amzn.to/3cyeUK5
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Cable Lock System: https://amzn.to/3cssb6D
Propane Bottle: https://amzn.to/3pFWXhL
Dewalt Tough Box: https://amzn.to/3gpadmY
Disco Bunk Kid-o-Bunk Beds: https://amzn.to/352VcC5
Rigid Lights: https://www.rigidlightshop.com​​​​​​
Snow Peak Fire and Grill: https://amzn.to/3va0Vkb
Warn Winch: https://amzn.to/35524yH

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