FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 40 = Chapter 12, Part C - War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State

2 years ago

Pages 376-445

From our last summary, war games are a fun way to pretend ahead of time what kind of draconian measures can be taken to control populations using fear!

More examples of war game fun (your valuable taxpayer money at work)

- Dark Winter in June 2001 - See summary video 39
- TOPOFF 2000-2007
- Atlantic Storm in January 2003 and 2005
* Surprisingly, public health was not the concern of the HHS, WHO, and CIA, but instead BOOK, Page 403, “…on the quandary of how to pose control over US and global populations during public health emergencies, how to sweep away civil rights and impose mass obedience to military and medical technocrats”.
- Global Mercury in 2003
- The SCL Simulation 2005
* Surveillance and psyops was the focus on this one - because ultimate power and control requires monitoring you 24/7 - strategic communication was labeled as “the most powerful weapon in the world”, because totalitarian security states must have citizens willing to comply.
- MARS 2017
- SPARS 2017
- Clade X 2018
- Event 201: October 2019
*This prepared for, BOOK Page 425, “…mass eviction of informed critics of the vaccine industry from social media”.
- Crimson Contagion 2019
*This eerily predicted the upcoming COVID-19 pandemic and response.

Leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 12 Germ Games staged by military, medical and intelligence planners were “played out” - all with a focus - NOT ON BUILDING PEOPLE’S HEALTH AND IMMUNITY - but on controlling populations through fear.

BOOK, Page 404, “Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the “New Normal”. The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulation designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.

More in the next installment!

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