Zeee Media Election Week - Judy Wilyman - Senate Candidate - Australian Federation Party (AFP) - WA

2 years ago

Dr. Judy Wilyman has been actively educating the public on the issue of freedom of choice in vaccination for the past fifteen years as the Australian government has introduced coercive and mandatory vaccination legislation into social welfare policies.

Judy was a science teacher for 20 years before becoming a health educator presenting information in public seminars and conferences. She completed a Master of Science degree (Population Health) in 2007 in the School of Public Health at the University of Wollongong. She then took up a job lecturing in environmental health issues at Murdoch University before completing a PhD investigating the control of infectious diseases in Australia in 2015.

Judy has also investigated the human rights issues involved in mandating, with financial inducements (coercion), vaccines into the genetically diverse Australian population. She hopes to give a voice to the large majority of the Australian population who want choice in vaccination but who are being dismissed as ‘anti-vaccination’.

She is committed to ensuring there is objectivity and transparency in the design of health policies and in the reporting of health issues in the mainstream media.


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