Micro Workouts With Dr. Ted Naimain

3 years ago

#DrTedNaiman #PEDiet #StrengthWork

This clip is from the series of episodes called, "The Dietitian's Dilemma." For Episode 3, Zach and Michelle are joined by Dr. Ted Naiman.

Full Episode: https://youtu.be/PBwgaKQyILE
Audio: https://linktr.ee/hpopodcast

Support the show: https://patreon.com/HPOpodcast​​​​ or https://www.paypal.me/hpopod​​​​

Episode Sponsor: SFuels - https://sfuelsgolonger.com​​​​ - promo code: ZACHB5 for 5% off

Show updates & links:
Web: https://zachbitter.com/​​​​
IG: https://www.instagram.com/zachbitter​​​​
Tw: https://twitter.com/zbitter​​​​
FB: https://www.facebook.com/zach.bitter

Find Michelle - IG: @runeatmeatrepeat - Tw: @michellehurnRD - https://linktr.ee/Runeatmeatrepeat​

Find Ted - Web: https://pedietbook.com​ - IG: @tednaiman - Tw: @tednaiman - YouTube: @Ted Naiman

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