Insurance Zaroori Hai....It saves our Family's happiness & Hard earned Money

3 years ago

Health Insurance = Money Insurance
Life Insurance = Family Insurance

# InsuranceZarooriHai #InsuranceSahiHai #HealthInsurance #LifeInsurance

In Today's difficult situation, It's mandatory that we insure our ourselves & protect our Family & Money

All Insurance advisor are your well wishers, they are the one who will help you to get your cover in your difficult time. Don't avoid their advice.

- Do consult insurance advisor and analyse Basic Insurance needs for your family protection.
- Do take appropriate Insurance for yourself and family
- Do update and guide your family members about these Insurances
- Do plan for systematic savings so that you can pay all premiums on time and hassle free.
- Do note down all Insurance policy details, co. helpline no. and your advisor details in a daily for future reference
- Do review your family insurance needs periodically.

Rajesh Ahuja
# 9312774655

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