MONEO | L/L Research Transcripts April 14, 2021 - Intermediate Channeling Circle

3 years ago

Thank you Q'uo. I have a new query. This one comes from Garrett and it's reworded a bit but he asks a question about the Hindu concept of Brahamcharya, which can loosely be translated as the path of the ultimate, or to stay and conduct with one's own soul. But it often refers to the idea of sexual celibacy, or celibacy in general. Ra describe describes the hallmark of the service-to-others path as acceptance, and the service-to-self path as control, and that includes control of the self. Garrett asks how one might follow such a spiritual path of #abstinence without controlling the self in this context?

Q’uo: We are those known to you as Q'uo, and we appreciate this question from the one known as Garrett as it does plumb very useful inquiry into multiple dynamics, particularly the axis of acceptance and control. And indeed, in general and an overview, we would say that many seemingly positively oriented disciplines can be undertaken with the, we would add, mistakenly undertaken with the service-to-self-type of control and conversely, many seemingly negatively oriented disciplines can also be confused in their application of polarity. Though, we would note that such confusion is more prevalent in the former, whereby the positive aspirant inadvertently applies the negative attempts of controlling the self.

And the fundamental question of one's relationship with one's sexuality is a ripe area for the learning of polarity and the application or misapplication of polarity. One's sexual nature is, as with all things, perhaps even more so, to be accepted as part of the self. There is much, much in the way of distortion that arises within the self and within societies when this fundamental core aspect of the nature of the self is not accepted and is attempted to be controlled or repressed or manipulated in some way.

And indeed, we would say that if celibacy, as you would call it, is undertaken because of a mindset which sees one's sexuality as impure or unworthy of the Creator, or animalistic or inferior or something which gets in the way of the spiritual path; and thus the self seeks to repress this core aspect and core need of the self, and seeks to control and compartmentalize it, or to cut the self off from this desire and this need; then the positively oriented entity, well intentioned and seeking the Creator with a full heart though it is, may instead be unnecessarily distorting the self. Because, as we have said, sexuality, being a fundamental portion of the self’s beingness is the foundation for other hierarchically arranged aspects of the self such that if sexuality is distorted, then subsequent layers of the self will in consequence be distorted.

However, and to near the finish line of this response, we would say that for some entities’ experience of their sexual nature, it is appropriate and can be a full embrace and acceptance of their sexuality to consciously undertake #celibacy in order to embrace and direct that energy upward towards the seeking of the Creator. Fully acknowledging and loving and cherishing this energy within the self and within all other selves, indeed perhaps even allowing it to flow through nonphysical ways that still produce emotional or mental or other energetic intimacy with other selves, but whereas the physical aspect is reserved for heightened energy in the self’s attempt to pierce the veil.

May we ask if there is a final query at this time. We are those known to you as Q'uo.

#LLResearch #Quo #Trumpet88

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