An interview with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Do not be afraid for I am with you.

2 years ago

An interview with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Do not be afraid for I am with you.

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Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has a medical degree, is a Professor of Microbiology and has published over 300 articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology and parasitology. He chaired the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany from 1990 until his retirement in 2012.
In this episode we discuss the following:
- Why Dr Bhakdi stated in the December 2021 paper authored with Dr Arne Burkhardt that the current covid19 vaccines cannot protect against viral infection.
- The metaphor of the airforce and navy defence in our immune systems.
- The fundamental design flaws of the vaccines.
- The second part of the paper with Dr Arne Burkhardt concerns the autopsy that he conducted of 15 vaccinated patients who died after the Covid-19 vaccinations. Dr Burkhardt performed histo pathological analysis and proved that 14 of the 15 deaths were caused by the vaccination. The conventional autopsies for the 15 had found no connection. What did he find?
- Was the authorisation of these vaccines based on fraudulent data, therefore protection against liability lost?
- Dr Bhakdi presented the findings of Dr Burkhardt at a Symposium in December 2021 and yet the Covid-19 vaccines were not retracted.
- What is unique about these auto immune reactions which was found by Dr Burkhardt which also clearly indicates that the vaccines are the cause of the injury.
- Lymphocytes are attacking their brothers and sisters, this creates immune deficiency. What percentage of the lymphocytes are destroyed?
- The pandora's box metaphor explained and its ramifications.
- In the Cell paper, the vaccine's mRNA was found in the human lymph nodes at a minimum of 60 days after vaccination. See figure 7.
- A new paper has been published proving that the vaccine's mRNA could be translated back to our 'book of life' (the DNA in our cells).
- People ask "Why have the doctors not spoken out?''. Dr Bhakdi and a group of doctors did speak out . A letter to the EMA dated February 2021 regarding Covid-19 Vaccine safety concerns was sent and can be found on the website. What was the reply from the EMA (European Medicines Agency)?
- Dr Bhakdi and Dr Burkhardt and their new pathology project.
- Will these gene therapy vaccines have their authorisations removed?
- Dr Bhakdi spoke at a rally in Austria earlier this year. What has happened in Austria since then?
- Paul Ehrlich Insitute in Germany, the role of this institute and the qualifications of the head of the institute.
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Sucharit Bhakdi, Faith, Vaccine Damage

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