Armenian Assembly of America & Armenian National Institute In Washington DC

3 years ago

I have had the pleasure of interviewing both the director of the Armenian national institute and the congressional relations director of the Armenian Assembly of America in Washington DC.

Interview with Dr Ruben Adalian, director of the Armenian national institute based in Washington DC
The institute is a major international facility dedicated to provide thorough documentation and straight factual information on the Armenian genocide and the extent of international acknowledgement
Every Armenian is a descendant of the genocide survivor and we realize that without the American intervention in 1918 there would be very little remaining of our nation
Great deal changes with Bidens recognition of the Armenian genocide, he altered the environment of concern within the community
Armenian-American community have been waiting for such a major step for a long time, it puts an end to counterfactual Turkish policy of avoidance and denial
Bidens statement honors and recognizes the true history of Armenian nation
Acknowledging the genocide is the defense of human rights, which is the central objective of the current US administration
The fact that there is so much media interest proves that what Biden has done was the right thing to do
Personally for me the Presidents statement is fulfilling and confirming that the memory of the victims is secured
What happened in Artsakh is especially worrying because the history is repeating itself
The damage to Armenians in Artsakh is the result of the international communitys failure to see the consequences of not accounting for the wishes of the locals
The thing that we all should keep in mind is that genocide is recurrent

nterview with Mariam Khaliant, the congressional relations director of the Armenian Assembly of America
The Armenian Assembly of America was established in 1972 as the largest u.s based grassroots and advocacy organization, focusing on building and expanding relations with members of congress as well as meeting with Armenian-American diaspora members throughout the United States and creating the connection with members of congress.
After gaining congressional recognition in 2019, President Bidens statement is another historic milestone which sends a sound message that the US is committed to building its human rights record
The US is also committed to holding accountable those who like Turkey have committed genocide
Turkey is whitewashing the Armenian genocide sending off wrong messages to its people
US Archives have very clear record of the ethnic cleansing that happened in 1915
31 country now recognize the Armenian genocide and America along with those countries stands on the right side of history
Turkey should show reparations to the descendants of the Armenian genocide just as Germany did
after WWII

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