Creativity, Perception and Propaganda with Sara Haboubi and Matt Ehret

2 years ago

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In this wide ranging conversation, Sara Haboubi explores concepts relating to Human Creativity, Perception, Propaganda and the systematic blurring between Fact and Fiction which increasingly defines how current world events are presented. To what extent is our society 'cognitively castrated' by the rigidity of our educational system. Has creativity effectively been 'educated out of us'?

Audiences who are still connected with their critical faculties wonder about the truthfulness that accompanies much of what is presented as fact by main stream media. Too often however, social forces conspire to make us reluctant to investigate truth, lest we discover it and don't like what we find. For many, the fear of being labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' or an 'anti-vaxxer' imposes its own social censorship.

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