It’s finally time to plant our garden!

3 years ago

Today we finally get to share the progress on our first garden! Planting was a little later than we planned, in part because of some rain we received over the past few weeks but also because we’ve been incredibly busy (there’s a lot going on here on the farm). Turning this piece of ground into a real garden will be a challenge but we’re excited to take it on and see what we can make of it!

Fun story: our tiller actually belonged to Ragon’s dad. Several years ago we gave it to a friend because we had no need for it at the time. When our friends decided they didn’t need it any more they offered to give it back to us and we jumped at the opportunity. This tiller has a lot of hours on it but it’s neat to stand in the same place my dad did so many years ago. It’s hard to describe the feeling exactly, but I’m a sentimental sap and I’m just thankful to have this little piece of equipment to use on my farm like my dad did on his.

After we initially broke ground on the garden we got quite a bit of rain over the next couple weeks which delayed planting. When the dirt finally dried out we tilled the garden up one more time and then began planting! Some plants we transplanted out of our pop-up greenhouse and others we started from seed. Go back and watch our 2021 Garden playlist and check out our greenhouse plants if you’re interested in knowing what we planted and why we chose some of those plant varieties.

★ 2021 Garden:

From seed we started:
• Sweet corn
• Blue popping corn
• Clemson spineless okra
• Long pod Perkins okra

We plan to plant some fall vegetables in the coming weeks so stay tuned for that. Thanks for watching our channel!
Subscribe to our channel! We have a small farm in Western Kentucky where we’re raising our family and a handful of critters. Come grow with us.

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