08.29.21 "The Correction of the Weary" Rev. Tony Ponticello

2 years ago

Occasionally when I walk around and look at my sisters, brothers, and others in the world I am acutely aware of how tired and weary many are. I could look away and towards the more pleasant images, but occasionally I am guided to take a moment and feel the pain of the world. I believe Jesus did that, and this is why so many connected with him. He was compassionate. I believe Jesus’ tendency to do that is reflected in what he instructs us to do in ACIM, "Look about the world, and see the suffering there. Is not your heart willing to bring your weary brothers rest?" (OrWEd.WkBk.191.12) “Yes" it does move my heart. “Yes” I want to bring them rest. The next line after the above quotation tells us exactly what we must do to alleviate the suffering we witness. "They must await your own release. They stay in chains till you are free." (OrWEd.WkBk.191.13) So it comes back to our freedom, to our choices. Confronted with some very hard personal choices for freedom lately, I am grateful to my many brothers for giving me so may signposts along the way.. 25 min. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE

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