MONEO | HIDDEN NATURE: The Startling Insights of Victor Schauberger

3 years ago

"🐬 #HiddenNature 🐬" = 47: The Startling Insights of #ViktorSchauberger


Austrian naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) was far ahead of his time. From his unusually detailed observations of the natural world, he pioneered a completely new understanding of how nature works. He also foresaw, and tried to warn against, the global waste and ecological destruction of our age. This book describes and explains Schauberger's insights in contemporary, accessible language. His remarkable discoveries -- which address issues such as sick water, ailing forests, climate change and, above all, #renewable_energy -- have dramatic implications for how we should work with nature and its resources.

Foreword by David Bellamy Introduction: Levitation and resistance less movement-- The non-conformist-- Alternative worldview Part One: An Alternative World-View1. Schauberger's Vision: Water wizard-- Log flumes-- Water, source of life-- Subtle energies-- Motion is crucial-- Temperature controls-- Water, source of life-- Evolution-- Balance-- Implosion-- The visionary2. Different Kinds of Energy: Subtle energies-- Viktor's worldview-- Why the mystery? Degrees of energy-- Vortex, key to creative evolution-- Energies as creative process-- Spiritual science-- Different dimensions-- Changing octaves3. Attraction &amp-- Repulsion of Opposites: Sun as fertilizing entity-- Polarities-- Opposites working towards balance-- Gravity &amp-- levity4. Nature's Patterns &amp-- Shapes: Sound as Resonance-- Resonance is about qualities-- Plants have perception and memory-- Cymatics-- Patterns &amp-- shapes-- Patterns in motion-- Rhythms in solar system-- Cosmic rhythms-- The confrontation of two Geometric Systems-- Sacred geometry-- The Golden Mean-- The magic of the egg form Part Two: How the World Works5. Energy Production: Inefficiency of modern technology-- Entropy &amp-- ectropy-- Scientific 'laws'-- Energy pollution-- The choice before us-- Energy defines quality-- The creative energy vortex6. Motion, Key to Balance: We use the wrong form of motion-- The 'original' motion-- Types of motion7. Atmosphere &amp-- Electricity: Earth's atmosphere-- Electricity-- Terrestrial bio-condenser-- Earth as accumulator of energy-- Electrism and magnetism-- Storms, water vapour and climate Part Three: Water - the Source of Life8. The Nature of Water: Memory of water-- Creation of water-- Anomaly point of water-- Qualities of water-- How the river protects itself-- Temperature gradient. &amp-- nutrient supply9. The Hydrological Cycle: Full &amp-- half hydrological cycles-- Temperature gradients &amp-- nutrient supply10. Formation of Springs: The veneration of springs-- Seepage springs-- True springs-- How spring water rises-- Energy from deep ocean11. How Rivers Flow: Stages of a river-- Temperature &amp-- movement of water-- Positive temperature gradients-- Dams-- Flow guides-- Energy bodies-- Formation of vortices-- Vortices as the source of creative energy-- Formation of bends-- Conventional river engineering-- Hydro-electric power12. Supplying Water: Dwindling water supplies-- Water for profit-- Modern water treatments - chlorine - fluoride-- Transmuting water's memory-- Tubular water movement-- Water main materials-- The wooden water main-- Stuttgart tests-- Circulation of bloodPart Four: The Life of Trees13. The Role of the Forest: Evolution of the forest-- Destruction of the forests-- A moral tale-- Tropical rainforests-- Forestry-- Monoculture-- Biodiversity-- Energy in the forest14. Trees: Trees in the biosphere-- Form of a tree-- Trees and humans-- Trees and colour-- Their physical nature-- Tree classification-- Trees' response to light-- Light &amp-- shade demanding trees-- Light-induced growth-- Man-made depredations-- Importance of photosynthesis-- Creation of water-- Maturation of water15. Tree Metabolism: Sap movement-- Temperature gradients-- Trees as bio-condensers-- Root systems. Soil and nutrition Part Five: Working with Nature16. Soil Fertility and Cultivation: Crisis in intensive farming-- Ploughing methods-- Two kinds of electromagnetism-- Golden plough-- Bio plough-- Aligning furrows-- Grazing &amp-- grass cutting-- Artificial fertilizers17. Organic Cultivation: Biological agriculture-- Soil mineralization-- Organic farming, Biodynamic farming-- Subtle energies in Nature-- Cold Fire-- Fertilizing agencies Part Six: The Energy Revolution18. Harnessing Implosion Power: An American consortium-- A new kind of aircraft? The beginnings of implosion research-- Schauberger's Free Energy Search-- Flying saucers-- Biological vacuum-- The repulsator-- The implosion motor-- The repulsine &amp-- flying saucer19. Viktor Schauberger &amp-- Society: The human legacy-- Implementing Schauberger's research Acknowledgments, Resources, Bibliography, Index. #trumpet88

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