Changes in Finanacial Systems Full Moon in Scorpio 16 May 2022

2 years ago

We are the truly the luckiest people of all times to be here today to be witnessing the greatest changes in the wealth and financial system in our world. The so called E*L*I*T*E though I would call them the deluded, have broken the back of all countries in the world, bought anyone in any sector that can be bought and commited the most horrendous atrocities for decades. They have taken away with it our integrity, hopes and bright futures. For an example, to think that a continent as mineral rich as Africa with more arable land than you can imagine be so devastated or a beautiful place like India (I would hope to make my first trip there next year) are poor and constantly fighting one weather disaster after another. These and much more are all designed to keep us just above the poverty line, gives us the illusion of freedom and feed us news that is questionable. Time has come for us all to collectively stop the media garbage, sit with ourselves in silence and really ponder the truth. Do you really think all the false scenarios that have occured around the world were real??
All I know is that God and an army of fabulous honourable men and women have been working behind the scene on our behalf and that of our beautiful planet. The imminent Stock Market crash is what these dark forces have brought on themselves for this time, we have God beside us, this is the demise of a group of greedy, control freaks who feel they should control our lives. They shall crash and their assets will be seized, and in time the greatest transfer of wealth ever will happen. This hemming of Pisces is exactly that, the 2 planets of wealth and education will expose so much this year. For Saturn, the people and Mars, the Military will be hard at work to create and build infrastructure for the betterment of our world, new healing and wellness centre, education and much more but most of all a whole new money system that will exclude many rogue banks, just see how many have closed as they were up to no good. They now need to be gold asset backed, basal three and ISo200-22 compliant, all for we the people. We just need to trust, see where the other depositor of Aquarius Rahu is, it is in Aries, all sovereign, all brave and in control of own life without a nanny state telling it what to do. 🙏
Previous video on money markets
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