Why the Media Are Ignoring ‘2,000 Mules’

2 years ago

[00:30] Trump Predicted Rampant Voter Fraud (30 minutes)

During the Sept. 29, 2020, presidential debate with Joe Biden, Donald Trump predicted there would be rampant voter fraud as a result of mail-in ballots. “This is going to be fraud like you’ve never seen because these ballots are going to be all over,” Trump said. As evident from the thousands of ballot traffickers caught on camera during the presidential election, Trump’s predictions were completely right.

[30:10] The Radical Left’s War on MAGA (14 minutes)

Joe Biden on Tuesday referred to Donald Trump’s supporters as “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history.” On his program last night, Tucker Carlson observed: “We are seeing a coordinated effort by the Joe Biden administration to recharacterize political dissent as terrorism.”

[44:10] Bible Study: Act on God’s Truth (10 minutes)

The Prophet Jonah made a dire mistake when he ran away from his God-given commission to warn Nineveh. As my father recently stated, we can all be like Jonah at times. In today’s study, we remember how we must resist the urge to run from God and instead diligently act on the work He gives us to do.

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