Fulton CO. Counterfeit Ballot Appeal Hearing 5/5/22

2 years ago

The Favorito petitioners' Attorney Paul Kuntz argued before the Georgia Court of Appeals that the lower court wrongfully dismissed the case because state precedents demand that all voters have standing to challenge election fraud under the Georgia Constitution and laws. U.S. Supreme Court precedents for over 100 years also confirm that a voter has the right to challenge ballot box stuffing crimes. Thus, the Lin Wood ruling cited by the lower court as justification to dismiss the case was not valid. While the 11th circuit ruled that Wood had a generalized injury, Favorito Plaintiffs argued a particularized injury that violated their equal protection rights because their votes were diluted while others were strengthened based on how the counterfeit ballots were voted. U.S, Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia has already found that voters have particularized injuries in such cases.

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