The Panicked Left Sprinting to Control Everyone - too late, thank God!

2 years ago

This Sky News commentator has it only partially right - the Klaus Schwab's of the world are sprinting to further control everyone's lives like recommending the vaccinated of the world not fly due to possible blood clots - but he misses the reason why they are pushing their agenda forward.

They are not sprinting because they are in control of the narrative.

They are sprinting forward out of desperation because they've lost their control of the masses who are finally waking up and the collective left will say and do anything to try and keep their control.

The reality is the evidence is now overwhelming worldwide concerning the phony pandemic and the bioweapon jabs . This news broadcast by Sky News is refreshingly almost spot on - you would never have seen much of the content of this video just months ago.

Even the MSM knows the jig is up. They can no longer ignore the obvious.

More evidence this is so: Spain was now the ninth country which has taken it’s Health Minister to court and won over Covid-19. The Spanish High Court has determined that Covid-19 was not a virus, but a Bio-Weapon with a patent.

The Alliance of awakened countries , let by DJT and the world's collective military continue to round up these Cabal monsters and proceed with Nuremberg style tribunals world wide.

The end of the Cabal is near. Cannot come soon enough.

Source of this video: Sergeant News Network:

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