Free State Project - NH - Gun Church

2 years ago

“Gun crazy” New Hampshire has the lowest murder rate in the nation, despite “lax” gun laws. The lowest murder rate in the nation doesn't equate to lightly armed. It equates to massively armed. My favorite Free State Project gun club is called "Gun Church" (Cause it is on Sunday and for people who like to shoot religiously). Run by a former Green Beret with assistance from Ex-Navy SEALS, Rangers and other ex-military, the group teaches modern gun fighting techniques for community protection. It is getting to the point when the shave-headed cult members of "government" come out to try to enforce on their neighbors they are going to find themselves outnumbered and out-gunned!

Here is some info on NH having the lowest murder rate in the country:

Here is some info on invitation-only gun church:

Here is some info on the founder of Gun Church's other endeavor: Making investment-grade silver bullion fun for kids (and adults):
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