What does it mean to service a fire extinguisher with Outback Fire & Safety

2 years ago

What does it mean to service a fire extinguisher with Outback Fire & Safety
owner, Clint Rainey. https://outbackfiresafety.com/

In this video, we'll answer another question that we often get… What does it mean to service a fire extinguisher?

There are a couple different processes that you go through.

One of them is your 6-year maintenance, which requires you to take the fire extinguisher, blow it down and then inspect the inside of the fire extinguisher for rust or any kind of damage to the inside of the canister. Then you have to fill the fire extinguisher, recharge it and while also cleaning all of the parts.

Now if you get a Hydro Test, which has to be done every 12 years, is primarily the same as your other maintenance. You blow it down and then once it is blown down you fill it with water, pressure it up to the required psi to test the canister. Next you empty it, dry it out, then refill and recharge the fire extinguisher pretty much the same way as during the 6-year maintenance.

If you have any additional questions, then just give US a shout here at Outback Fire & Safety.

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