Are Cryptocurrencies a Scam? 4 types of crypto investors

3 years ago

You would be hard pressed to go a day without hearing about the tremendous wealth that has been gained from investing in cryptocurrencies. It would seem as though the rules of the game is pretty much straight forward. Invest. Wait. Earn. Repeat. But what if there were multiple ways to play the crypto game? What if some strategies pay off faster with larger gains than others. What if it's all a scam?
Let's discuss it and learn what are the 4 types of crypto investors.

00:00 Intro
00:40 Core article: Market Realist - "Is Bitcoin a Ponzi Scheme? VR Founder Seems to Think So"
01:26 3 Skeptics of crypto
01:26 Skeptics breakdown
02:05 Ground rules: interchangeable terms
02:37 What's a cryptocurrency?
03:11 How to purchase cryptocurrency.
03:21 How cryptocurrencies make money.
03:38 What is a Ponzi Scheme?
04:12 No power concern
04:46 Crypto is not impervious to hacking
05:06 Summary so far...
06:07 4 Crypto investor types.
06:40 Curious type
07:35 Convinced type
11:40 What is a cookie? And the different kinds of cookies.
13:03 Calculating type
13:33 What is mining?
15:37 Calculating type in depth. What is performance?
18:15 Transactions.
19:42 Rubber meets the road.
20:02 What is Ripple(XRP)?
21:07 Article: AP News - "El Salvador makes Bitcoin legal tender."
22:50 Chris Larsen
23:01 Jed McCaleb
23:12 Crypto value spikes
26:34 Other type
28:03 Again, What is Ripple(XRP)?
28:12 What is Premining?
28:39 Jaron Lanier vs Jeb McCaleb
29:27 The "Other" investor in depth
29:44 The "Other" investor game plan and how to.
31:03 Thus far, cryptocurrencies are not a scam or Ponzi Scheme
32:15 Squid Game. Squid tokens.
32:50 What's a Rug Pull and "Pump and Dump"?
34:44 Promises and Speculation.
35:25 All things considered.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #premine #premining #scam #ponzi scheme #crypto-investor

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