Life Of Elvis Podcast Ep.4: Overcoming Addiction With Geoff Seow

2 years ago

Welcome back to the Life Of Elvis Podcast!
In episode 4 I interview Geoff Seow, a personal coach helping millennials discover their purpose and unleash their true potential.

Despite doing well in academia (human biology, neuroscience and biotechnology), Geoff was a functioning addict. After years of living this unfulfilling and destructive life, he decided to make radical changes. He overcame his addiction, moved to the other side of the continent, and started his business to share the wisdom he gained along his journey to help others.

We go through many topics in this episode - what addiction really is and the misconceptions people still have, the great potenial of psychedelics in treating depression and addictions, the hard problem of consciousness, how training improved Geoff's life and a lot more. So get yourself a coffee, or (preferably) a tea, sit back, and enjoy!

You can find Geoff below:

IG: @mindaxislifecoaching


Thank you for tuning in!

You can find all relevant links to my book "Ascension: A Psychedelic Sci-Fi Novel" here Both paperback and ebook versions are available.

For more info on my Calisthenics workshops, one-on-one sessions, meal & training plans, please visit

And if you'd like to directly support this podcast, please consider a small donation using this link, All donations will be used to improve the quality of this podcast and to keep it runnin, so that I can keep creating valuable content. Thank you very much in advance!

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