HEAVEN OR HELL, Ep. #003: When We Lose a Loved One

2 years ago

MAY 05, 2022

- Sixteen years ago I lost my best friend Marguerite Hehr Roberts. At her funeral, her neighbor Donna Roberts confided with me that I was her favorite and told me to hold her in my heart and she would never leave me. I've had some close scrapes with death that I personally believe my grandmother saved me from as my guardian angel. When I got baptized in the summer of 2012, the Christian group my friend Tommy and I were with happened to sing this song that my grandmother would sing while sick from chemotherapy and radiation while she was at church. She always had this big smile on her face. When I got baptized I felt her presence there, turned around and looked up at the eastern sky over the Atlantic Ocean and felt her smiling down on me that evening as the sun set behind us to the west.

- We would like to lift up Sister Lillian Stevens in prayer today as she has been diagnosed with a type of cancer. More details to come at http://god-speed.us

- Another of our followers in Saint Petersburg has recently lost someone close to them. I will protect her privacy and not reveal her name but we want her to know that she is being held in prayer.

- As always, may God bless you guys and #godspeed!

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