How to install a Bee NUC (nucleus colony) with Master Beekeeper Jody Moore | MMNP AG ED

2 years ago

Master Beekeeper Jody Moore installs two Bee NUCs also known as Bee Nucleus Colony, in some Hoover Hives on Yanasa Ranch.

Affiliate Links:

Hoover Hive / Galena Farms

Beekeepers Bible

Beekeepers Ventilated Jacket

Magnet Belt Tool Holder

0:00 Smoking the Bees and opening the NUC
1:19 Working with bees barehanded
2:09 Beehive nectar frame
3:28 Food Frame and Bee Larva
4:10 Identifying a Drone Bee
4:52 Bee Propolis
5:40 Capped brood in beehive worker bees
6:12 Beehive Queen Cup or Queen Cell
7:15 What is Bee Festooning?
8:00 How to tell if larva is bad in a Beehive
10:26 Drone bee cells in a beehive
11:12 Pounds of honey to pounds of wax bees
12:24 Handling hive frames for a hive inspection
13:01 How to identify a Queen Bee
14:20 Beehive ventilation
16:16 Identify Capped Honey in a beehive
16:55 What is Burr Comb
17:16 Different colors of pollen in Beehive
17:52 Fresh young bee larva
18:30 How far do bees swarm from the hive?
20:20 How to find a Queen Bee
22:08 Bee retinue behavior
23:46 Water source for Beehive
25:18 Hoover Hives
25:33 Do Wasps and Yellowjackets attack Beehives
26:09 Beehive entrance reducer
27:16 Lemongrass Honeybee homing scent Nasonov Gland
28:26 When to switch frames between beehives.
28:58 How to switch frames between beehives.
31:50 How to know if your Queen Bee is healthy.
32:44 How are drone bees formed?
33:00 What does Bee Festooning look like?
34:55 Sugar water for bees

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