VAERS hides 5 child deaths just in one weekly update, publishes many reports 15 months delayed

2 years ago

Albert Benavidez shows that the age field in many of the most recently published VAERS reports has not been populated, so if you do a query for a specific age group, these reports will be excluded. The description of the reports, however, do mention the age. In just the most recent weekly batch of reports, 5 child deaths were reported.

He also shows that many of the reports published April 29th, 2022, had already been filed in January of 2021, so that's a whopping 15 month delay! Remember that stale information loses much of its value. It does you little good to only know in 2023 that you should not have gotten vaxxed in 2021.

Whether all these issues are intentional or accidental (or some combination of both) is very important, but not the most important take-away IMO. The most important take-away is that the data in VAERS is extremely unreliable:

- Probably less than 1 in 40 adverse events is reported, so if you want to get a conservative estimate of the real damage caused by the COVID injections, you must multiple the VAERS data by at least 40.
- Data are published way too late, which causes the early warning system to lose much of its value
- The data contain many errors

Remember that CDC and many officials see maximum vaccine uptake as their real goal, not fully informed consent. If they have or could collect information that is crucial for fully informed consent but may lead to reduced vaccine uptake, they are likely to not collect or delay that data, keep it secret, make it difficult to access, misrepresent it, etc. because it conflicts with their real goal.

CDC may see it as a means to an end to keep the public ignorant and misinformed. The vaxxed pay for the CDC's goal by risking their health and wellbeing.


Example of late reporting and unreliable data in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

LATE warning system: 54% of deaths in latests VAERS update were jabbed April 2021 or before!

Vaxx injured woman: Only 50 employees at VAERS department to collect MILLIONS of reports!

Liz Murrill testifies: VAERS is broken, built to vax as many people as possible, diminish concerns

Registered nurse Melissa McKinney testifies: VAERS numbers are severely underreported

Registered nurse testifies at Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing: "This madness has to stop"


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