Who is the Antichrist? | End Times | Part 7 | Pastor Jason Henderson

3 years ago

Daniel 9:20-23

Daniel 9:24-27

The purpose of the prophecy is three-fold:

1) To let Daniel and the readers know that the end is set and ordained
2) To let Daniel and the readers know that the end is about the Jews and Israel.
3) To let Daniel and the readers know that the purpose is to set everything right.

The expression, “seventy weeks,” literally means “seventy-sevens or units of seven”

This expression from the Hebrew language speaks of years.

Genesis 29:27-28

Daniel is told that there are seventy periods of seven years until the Lord Jesus comes and sets up His kingdom.

From Artaxerxes decree in 445 BC (Nehemiah 2:1) to Jesus’ entry in 32 AD is exactly 69 weeks or 483 years.

From Jesus Crucifixion to the Rapture of the church no years are counted (v.26)

The last week will start when the Anti-christ is revealed.

The Gap Between the 69th Week (483 years) and Last Week

This means The Lord has paused His time schedule to deal with the church for His purpose and when He is finished (the rapture), He will put Israel back on the “clock.”

Romans 11:11-24: Gentiles are grafted in to the family of God.

Romans 11:25-26

Ephesians 3:1-6

The Rapture Ends The Church Age.

The Anti-Christ Will Be Revealed By Making And Brokering A Peace Deal.

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