Brian Price – A Case for Strategic Design

2 years ago

We're digging into the academic side of war with Dr Brian Price on the Break It Down Show. Brian's paper is titled, A Case for Strategic Design. Here's the Abstract.

"Reconsidering Morini's 2010 argument that strategy in Afghanistan needed to consider regional actors, advances the idea that the concept of strategic design, as currently taught within Air Command & Staff College's Joint All-Domain Strategist Concentration, might have prompted military planners with a tool to validate strategy as received from civilian authority or proposed one where it went missing."

If you've a penchant (read that with a French accent) for academic papers on combat click to read Brian's article.

Brian is experienced on the platform as well as the battlefield. He's a unique blend of scholar and warrior. This is Brian's 3 visit to the Break it Down Show with Pete A Turner.

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