Local, National and Global Psyops

2 years ago

The Evangelical Churches have been open fields for the operation of CIA and Jesuit psychological operations. Many so-called missionaries are CIA/Mossad assets, and many so-called missions are CIA operations. This is always shocking to Evangelicals who are ignorant of this fact and have had their minds molded by the psychological operatives, creating their understanding of national issues and international affairs. A friend directed me to a Russia Bad, Ukraine is a Paradise, dog and pony show performed at a local Evangelical Church by a "missionary" of whom she and her husband are fond. But having been exposed to some information, they were shocked at the show and recognized it as "non-truthful" and "non-spiritual" propaganda, though it was wrapped in tons of sentimentality. They shared it with me. We do a deep analysis of that psyops presentation.

You will have to excuse me, but I do a little bragging at the beginning of the video, recounting that the so-called experts have actually mirrored my analysis of Russia/Ukraine. And we cover some other things also.
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