My Gender End-Entity

2 years ago

This one is probably not safe for work! I did blur it, which makes it look less uniformly corpse-like pasty than it actually is. I respond to a person whose phalloplast allows her to manifest her gender end-entity of attack helicopter. Our pronouns are hea/then because attack helicopter gender people don’t believe in ourselves. That’s why we need you to believe in us. We are rare because we have been invalidated into 48%ing ourselves as our plight is 7% worse.

That’s the only way we know we are real and valid, and this reassures us that you will respect the fact that we can end you, by firing ze missiles. For we do not have a gender identity, as gender atheists with hea/then pronouns. Attack helicopter gender people have gender end-entities. And finally, medicine is starting to notice, and beginning the hard work of female-to-helicopter transition surgeries.

Attack helicopter gender rights are human rights! Only humans can be attack helicopter gender and that is why only humans, out of all the species, have made physical representations of our gender end-entities in the real world in the form of actual attack helicopters. What gave us this drive?! Zeus is my flight plan and the Gita is my take-off checklist. Gender Jesus, take the yoke! Brought to you by the Reddit Chronicles.

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