They Really Are that Bad

2 years ago

Many see the Democrat Party as just the opposition, but elected Democrats in Washington are trying to bring down the country, no matter what it takes. They have totally lied about the election that was stolen in a massive way as 2000 Mules and so much other evidence and common sense shows. Now some leftist hack has leaked a draft from the Supreme Court showing that the GREAT Justice Alito was writing for the overrule of Roe v. Wade. There is next to nothing they won't stop at. Now these bad people are protesting at the homes of Supreme Court Justices that may vote to overrule Roe.
During the summer of 2020 there were over 500 riots in the U.S. that killed dozens, injured thousands, including many police, and destroyed billions in property.
And Biden has opened wide the southern border to millions for the singular reason of changing the vote. Biden the rest of the left couldn't care less about the country and thus its people, it's all about power. These people have to be defeated.

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