Ep. 5533 – John Kiriakou on the Persecution of Daniel Hale – 5/28/21

3 years ago

John Kiriakou discusses the case of hero whistleblower Daniel Hale, who helped expose the White House's secret drone assassination program during the Obama administration. Hale has pled guilty to one charge under the espionage act, in an effort to win the mercy of the court, but he still faces four other charges, which at the moment the Justice Department is refusing to back down from. Hale is now facing at least some time in prison, but could be given a much longer sentence, depending on how things go in the coming months. Scott and Kiriakou remind us that, of course, Hale shouldn't be facing any charges at all: the secret activities he exposed—namely the killing of civilians—are criminal, and therefore can't be classified in the first place under U.S. law.

Check out the interview page here: https://scotthorton.org/interviews/5-28-21-john-kiriakou-on-the-persecution-of-daniel-hale/

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