Fox Family Frolics For Fun

2 years ago

I snuck upon the fox family in my backyard frolicking and running around. I tried to be as stealth as I could, to get closer without scaring them off. And while filming with my camera phone, I suddenly thought the momma fox was attacking a helpless rabbit. So I yelled out to try and make her stop, and realized she was play fighting with a baby pup fox after all. My bad. Unfortunately by this time, they all noticed me and scurried off. This time I was able to count 4 baby foxes with the momma and papa foxes. Two other baby foxes were busy playing tag with one another, and a 4th baby fox was hidden off to the right side. Papa fox saw me from the get go, and was standing guard, in case I came any closer. He scurried off to the left early on. Hopefully I didn't scare the fox family away for good, and hopefully they will be back again soon.

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022.

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