Who Leaked the Supreme Court Document?

2 years ago

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Politico has published an article with leaked document that reveals that Roe V Wade will be thrown out. Abortion is currently legal at the federal level because of roe casey. Overturning roe v wade would change that and each state can decide its own abortion laws. There is outrage at the leak and people are saying this is an egregious betrayal of confidence.
Josh Gertstein
Alexander Ward
Clarence Thomas
Amy Coney Barrett
Sonia Sotomayor
Stephen Breyer
John Roberts
Brett Kavanaugh
Neil Gorsuch
Samuel Alito
Elena Kagan

Samuel Adkission
Christina Gay
Maxwell Gottschall
Dennis Howe

Christopher Goodnow
Steven Lindsay
Michael Proctor
Jose Valle

Elizabeth Deutsch
Erika Hoglund
Diana Kim
Joel Wacks

Shelby Baird
Thomas Gaiser
Eric Palmer
Edward West Jr.

Whitney Brown
Amit Jain
Katherine Munyan
Kelley Schiffman

Jennifer Fischell
Alexandra Lim
Christine Smith
Andrew Waks

Stephanie Barclay
Louis Capozzi
Mark Storslee
John Thompson

Alexa Baltes
Athanasia Livas
Jennifer Pavelec
Sarah Welch

Libby Baird
Mike Heckmann
Max Schulman
Zachary Tyree
Elizabeth Nielson

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