Happy Father's Day from Batavia

3 years ago

For all DIY-ers worldwide: on Father's Day we are putting our fathers in the limelight. You can say a lot about him, but he is there for you when you need him. Sometimes he might be a bit grumpy or straightforward, but you can also about it with him. And if you are going to do odd jobs around the house, you can be sure that he is there. And that he lends you his drill for the umpteenth time.

He taught you how to lay laminate flooring. And now you do it together. You hung your first painting on the wall with his instructions. In short: whatever job you have, Dad knows the ropes. Time to show him how important he is to you.

And we are happy to help you.

Find the perfect tool for your father in our webshop.
Visit www.bataviastore.com to check them all.

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